The popular cartoonist Araki Fei Lu Yan, serialized in the Monthly Digest of ULTRA JUMP -- Jojo Bizzare Adventure. This year marks the 25th anniversary, Hirohiko Araki JOJO show will be held in late July in Miyagi Prefecture and SendaiCity, held in Tokyo in late October. Hirohiko Araki Lu Yan's home in Sendai City, this time deliberately chose to hold art exhibition in his hometown, so a lot of fans are jumping for joy. Detailed information on this exhibition will soon open. Known to exhibit before the contents of the Sendai and Tokyo is not the same. Do not know will give fans what kind of surprise.
Lu-yin, Hirohiko Araki usher in the 30th anniversary of his debut last year to commemorate the positive coming out in many ways, for example, was held in Shinjuku, Tokyo • GUCCI GUCCI × HIROHIK0 ARAKI × of SPUR 'shore dew with your visit to Shinjuku' Exhibition ", but also published on horror movie theory the Hirohiko Araki Lu Yan wonderful horror movie Relations ". This year, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" serial full, April 17 will be on sale included "Jojo" famous "Jojo wonderful famous set Part.1 Following Ads are by AdBrite Your Ad Here ~ 3" and "Jojo wonderful saying set Part.4. "