Sweet Lolita dress is the most over-the-top style and includes aesthetics nearly exclusive to lolita. It is also the most child-like of the lolita styles, using many bows, ruffles and light colors to make up an outfit. The most common colors used in a Sweet Lolita clothing are pink, white, and powder blue, but an outfit can be made with nearly any pastel or plaid.
If you type ‘Sweet Lolita dress’ into an internet search engine you will find pages upon pages of photographs, covered from head to toe with frilly lace and silk ribbons. What might surprise you is that for every photograph there are just as many, if not more, beautiful and elegant pieces of artwork.
One of the best things about the Sweet Lolita dress look is that you can transform any regular garment whether it is a skirt, dress, or blouse, into this popular Japanese fashion. Unlike the Gothic Lolita clothing, the Sweet Lolita dress one uses white and pastel colors which can be combined together in one outfit. For example, a white Edwardian style blouse can be combined with a pale pink or blue skirt. This article will describe how a plain gathered skirt can be decorated using lace, welded pearl strands, or bridal lace.